This is not an official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Where do I Begin?

Step #1 - A Testimony of Scouting
First, enlist the Lord's help in gaining a testimony of Scouting; make it a matter of prayer.  The following two links will help you to grow in your understanding of the Scouting program and how it contributes to the work of the Lord.

Capturing the vision of Scouting

Scouting in Primary

Step #2 - Registration and Training

Click here and select "Become an Official Scout Leader." 
Complete the application and Youth Protection training.
Then submit your application and training certificate to your committee chair or COR (usually a member of your bishopric).

Cub Scout leaders should then return to the above link to complete "Fast Start Training" and the "Training Required for Your Position." Please take some time to expand the other menus on the LDS-BSA New Leaders site for keeping up to date on LDS Scouting, Helpful Links, and What's Next. 

Step #3 - Manuals

Become familiar with the content of these manuals from the church. These manuals should be something that you continually refer to throughout your calling.

LDS Scouting Handbook
Faith in God For Boys

Step #4 - Go to Work

Handbooks have the information you will need to run a successful program. These are the "How to..." books on scouting.  You will need these resources to get started.

Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide(Soon to be discontinued.  See Program updates page.)
Cub Scout Leader Book (To be replaced by Den Leader Guide.  See Program updates page.)

Step #5 - Know the Program

Parents and leaders should spend time exploring the Cub Scout handbooks for Wolf, Bear, and Webelos.  Learn what is needed for scouts to advance and discover the many opportunities to develop skills and earn recognition.

Take it a step and a time enjoy the journey!

A successful Scout program requires leaders who have a testimony of the gospel, time to serve, tenure in their callings, and training in BSA policies and practices. 

MORE info from